Four books to entertain and disturb: One on One with D.G. Martin

“Earlier editions of Waynesville’s Kevin Adams’ North Carolina Waterfalls sold more than 65,000 copies. That is an amazing report, but easier to understand when the reader and viewer see his photographs of hundreds of our state’s enchanting waterfalls and read his detailed and compelling descriptions of the falls, how Adams approached his task and the dangers to these treasures from human activity.”

DG Martin’s One on One: Good results from virtual education don’t come cheap

Mention online education around some of my friends and you will get an emotional reaction. Some senior university faculty members teach classes filled with several hundred students and they worry that famous online lecturers could take their places. Others wonder if they can transfer their talents to the online market and, if so, how much compensation they can demand for their extra efforts.

One on One with D.G. Martin

Walking alongside the college campus on North Main Street in Davidson, N.C., following a little ridgeline that marks the border between the Catawba and the Yadkin/Pee Dee river basins, my mother would mark the clearest days by stopping at a high point near the college entrance. Then, pointing west with one hand, she would put […]

Fanfare for the common man

“A vale of humility between two mountains of conceit.” You may have heard that expression describing the position of North Carolina and its relationship to Virginia and South Carolina. You may even have heard some North Carolinians claiming this “valley of humility” as something we should be very proud of. And maybe we should be. […]