The collection of “storytelling superstars” perform Nov. 9 at Habitat Tavern and Commons.

The collection of “storytelling superstars” perform Nov. 9 at Habitat Tavern and Commons.
Since moving to Asheville, Miller has been producing storytelling events and open mic nights focused on the spoken word, which he defines as storytelling, poetry, monologues, comedy, and any other verbal artform.
Hosted in conjunction with The Friends of the Buncombe County Library, WORD! takes place at the Pack Memorial Library auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 25.
Costumes are encouraged at SCARY spoken word OPEN MIC, which takes place at Buffalo Nickel on Wednesday, Oct. 19.
WORD features three spoken word artists and takes place at Trad & Lore Coffee on Friday, Sept. 16.
Thanks to leaders like Kiran Sirah, even the originally tradition-heavy International Storytelling Festival is Jonesborough, Tenn. is moving to include slam poetry and buskers. The modern iteration of the age-old artform, an important part of Western North Carolina’s heritage, includes story slams and open mic nights.
Find storytelling classes, performances, workshops, gatherings and retreats in and around Western North Carolina.
A story slam is like a poetry slam only — and this is probably the obvious part — with stories rather than poems. The story is rated by the audience or a panel of judges, and prizes (or at least bragging rights) are at stake. To that end, Black Box Storytelling Theater presents two workshops led by Regi Carpenter, a professor of storytelling at Ithaca College.