Local volunteers provide ‘emotional first aid’ for tragedy victims

Deaths, injuries and fires are all in a day’s work for emergency service workers. They may also be part of a shift for Trauma Intervention Programs of WNC volunteers, who provide emotional first aid to family, friends and bystanders after traumatic events. This is the message that Hendersonville Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief Justin Ward […]

Warren Wilson professor’­s new book explores eco-conscious death

As a professor of environmental education at Warren Wilson College, Mallory McDuff is experienced in teaching the next generation about environmentalism. “Climate is front and center for them,” she says. With the Dec. 7 publication of her book Our Last Best Act: Planning for the End of Our Lives to Protect the People and Places […]

Biz: Gone but not forgotten

The inspiration for launching a business can come from the unlikeliest of sources. The death industry, for example, is lucrative and about as steady as they come—but that’s where the attraction ends for most entrepreneurs, who prefer something a little sunnier. Ashes to ashes: Adrienne Crowther displays some specially handcrafted cremation urns marketed through her […]