Firefighters and police packed Asheville City Council chambers on May 22 to demand a higher raise, Council had one of the most heated budget debates in years, and an unexpected property tax increase came within one vote of passing.

Firefighters and police packed Asheville City Council chambers on May 22 to demand a higher raise, Council had one of the most heated budget debates in years, and an unexpected property tax increase came within one vote of passing.
Police and firefighters packed Asheville City Council chambers tonight, demanding a higher raise than the 1 percent set forth in the proposed budget. A suggested property-tax hike to pay for the increase failed 4-3, with Council members asserting that it needed more consideration.
At tonight’s Asheville City Council meeting, two major issues will get aired publicly: an update on changes to the Asheville Police Department evidence room and a hearing on the budget for the next fiscal year. Some police officers and firefighters have announced their intent to show up and demand a higher raise than the one percent in the proposed budget.
Asheville City Council passed new restrictions on digital billboards 6-0 tonight, and also endorsed prohibiting new ones entirely, though the city’s Planning and Zoning Committee will have to craft the terms a of such a ban.
Tonight, Asheville City Council will decide on new rules that would adjust the standards for digital billboards while prohibiting them from certain corridors.
Following a lengthy public comment period and debate among its members, the city of Asheville’s Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-2 to direct staff to draw up new rules increasing setbacks and restricting digital billboards in certain corridors of the city.
At its meeting this evening, the city of Asheville’s Planning and Zoning Commission will consider possible changes to the city’s rules on digital billboards. Follow Live Twitter coverage of the meeting here.
Durant proposes balanced budget Digital billboards get green light The Oaks residents to get city water Swannanoa’s push to become an incorporated town met another delay when Asheville City Council members postponed a decision on the controversial proposal during their May 13 formal session. ZIP it: City Council prefers a scaled-back western border for a […]
Facing a packed agenda, Council will receive an update on its finances at its May 13 meeting as budget writing season kicks into gear.