Al Whitesides, Anthony Penland, Martin Moore, Amanda Edwards and Don Yelton participated in the second of three Town Hall events.

Al Whitesides, Anthony Penland, Martin Moore, Amanda Edwards and Don Yelton participated in the second of three Town Hall events.
The forum, hosted by the Council of Independent Business Owners, gave the candidates the opportunity to stake out their positions on a range of issues central to Buncombe County residents.
Under the new rules, proposed by Board of Commissioners Chair Brownie Newman, members of the public would no longer be permitted to comment on each of the board’s motions individually. Instead, all public input would be lumped into a single general comment period, moved to the start of the meeting from its current position at the end.
Most of the 16 public commenters at the June 4 Buncombe County Board of Commissioners hearing on the budget made the case for allocations beyond the roughly $334.52 million in suggested general fund spending. Libraries, schools and nonprofits all approached commissioners for more money.
A round-up of the five most-read news stories of 2013 on
With Don Yelton’s controversial remarks on the Daily Show making national news, here’s some context about local right-wing activism. In 2007, Xpress profiled the Carolina Stompers, a local hardline conservative activist group including Yelton and then-future Buncombe GOP Chair Chad Nesbitt, known for flamboyant tactics and its promises to “stomp” liberalism.
Longtime local conservative activist Don Yelton is getting national attention for contentious comments he made Oct. 23 on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. However, he says he stands behind them.
Asheville’s quirky political scene will soon get national attention with a segment on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” set to air later this month.
The executive committee of the Buncombe County Republican Party found longtime political activist Don Yelton guilty of party disloyalty, voting June 25 to strip him of his duties as precinct chair and kick him off the committee until the next party convention in March of 2013.
Divisions within the Buncombe County Republican party continued to play out this week, as its executive committee tabled a controversial “security amendment” and moved to strip Don Yelton of his position as precinct chair.
In the wake of the recent primary elections, tensions continue to mount among different factions of the Buncombe County Republican Party.
I think it’s only fair and just to actually look at the facts that escaped Mr. Ramsey in his letter in the Oct. 5 Xpress [“Don Yelton, Problem Solvent”]. I am an environmental-systems engineer with a concentration in water-quality management. I have a master’s degree in environmental-systems engineering from Clemson University and a master’s degree […]
Thanks for keeping the community updated on the tragedy in slow motion happening at CTS [“Going Green,” Sept. 21 Xpress]. Don Yelton, a conservative talk-show host and political aspirant, brings up an interesting, yet straightforward scientific question: Will demolishing the building widen the scope of the already terrible industrial pollution on Mills Gap Road? Considering […]
No action was taken at a Thursday evening, Sept. 16, emergency meeting of the Buncombe County Board of Elections after it clarified that the door of Rep. Heath Shuler’s congressional office was 25 feet away from the door of a planned early-voting location at 199 College St. in downtown Asheville. The board called the meeting in response to complaints by the Buncombe County GOP that the proximity of the two offices could possibly violate state law that requires a buffer zone between voting sites and election-related activity.
Asheville City Councilman Bill Russell changed his party affiliation from Republican to Unaffiliated this afternoon at the offices of the Buncombe County Board of Elections. “My job on council is non-partisan by nature,” he told Xpress. “Party politics has recently become more of a distraction than anything positive.”
It’s the day before the primary election: If you’re still wrestling with a decision about which candidate to vote for in the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners race, many of them have put up YouTube videos
“I understand that we live in a diverse community today. But why do we need to allow diversity that is foreign to us?” — Pastor Jerry Young, Trinity Baptist Church At 4 p.m., the fear in the room was already so thick you could almost taste it. But many of those attending the Buncombe County […]