Green downtown Asheville

It has come to my attention that the McKibben Group is interested in purchasing several city-owned pieces of property around the Basilica of St. Lawrence in order to construct a high-rise hotel. The church itself has offered to purchase the property in order to avoid this construction, which is preferable to the alternative, but perhaps […]

Keep it clean, Asheville

I never realized how big of a problem littering was in Asheville until I got a puppy. Taking her for a walk is a near-constant struggle to steer her away from broken glass, cigarette butts, fireworks, piles of dog crap and, most recently, a used diaper. I mean seriously, how lazy does one have to […]

You missed a spot

A recent article about places to have breakfast missed Café Ello on Haywood Street, across from the library [“Breakfast Off the Beaten Path,” Dec. 21 Xpress]. It is an excellent place for breakfast. Not only does it have excellent food (especially the egg dishes), it also serves lunch salads, soups and sandwiches. The café offers […]

Brent Brown responds

The cartoon of the photographer who’s forced into homelessness despite, ironically, being the best in his profession, was not based on you. Rather, the cartoon alludes to a Nov. 2 entry on the Ashvegas blog about local photographer Micah Mackenzie, who posted on Facebook of his struggle to survive in Asheville (ironically after just having […]

Photos from Occupy Asheville on Oct. 1

About 90-100 people gathered in Pritchard Park in downtown Asheville for Occupy Asheville.  The assembly covered a variety of issues, including capitalism, police, workers’ rights, food shortages, and environmentalism.  They had a water cooler and warm food for those in need.  Participants were encouraged to post their grievances on Facebook and YouTube, because Occupy Asheville […]