Hotels, shops and apartments being considered for Carter Street and Broadway Boulevard.

Hotels, shops and apartments being considered for Carter Street and Broadway Boulevard.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our community to meet several of its goals with one carefully crafted development project.”
About 80 residents gathered to discuss 95 Broadway Hotel & Condos, a seven-story development of 30 guest rooms, 25 parking spots and seven condos proposed by property owner Victor Foo. Not a single attendee spoke in favor of the project, with criticisms ranging from practical concerns over parking to philosophical worries over the ongoing gentrification of Asheville.
Asheville, N.C.
New downtown development specialist and Asheville native Dana Frankel took time from her busy schedule to speak with Xpress about growing up in the city, her role among downtown stakeholders, facilitating equity around the central business district and what makes Asheville special to her.
Tomorrow is the last meeting of the current Asheville City Council, but among many other agenda items, they’ll begin discussion on one of the Downtown Master Plan‘s most controversial recommendations: reducing Council’s authority over large downtown development.
National retail outlet Urban Outfitters announced plans on Friday to open a retail store at the corner of Haywood and College streets.
A downtown Asheville church’s plans to tear down two buildings it owns in the city’s historically African-American business district received the final approval Friday morning.
An Asheville church’s plans to tear down two old buildings it owns has been delayed for 30 days in hopes of saving the structures. Brink of extinction? Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church wants to demolish two historic buildings it owns on The Block. Havens for vagrants and homeless people, the brick structures are expensive to […]
Several high-profile downtown buildings and proposed projects wouldn’t meet the standards spelled out in the draft Downtown Master Plan, a city planner told members of the Downtown Commission and the Downtown Master Plan Advisory Committee. In a Feb. 5 presentation, Urban Planner Alan Glines reviewed a short list of downtown structures’ level of conformity to […]
This draft of Asheville’s Downtown Master Plan will be officially unveiled at a Jan. 12, 2009, meeting of the Downtown Master Plan Advisory Committee. Drawn up by Massachusetts-based consulting firm Goody Clancy at a cost of $170,000 in taxpayers’ money, the plan and the process of developing it have at times been controversial. The roll-out […]
Here’s the group known as the Master Plan Advisory Committee that, beginning last fall, worked closely with consultants Goody Clancy to shape Asheville’s draft Downtown Master Plan.
With tonight’s forum, the city of Asheville kicks off a three-week public-comment period on the Downtown Master Plan draft. Share your thoughts on this controversial blueprint for the future of downtown.
Asheville activist Steve Rasmussen has released a report critiquing the Downtown Master Plan draft, asserting that its enforcement powers on development issues are weak and that much control would be turned over to unelected boards to the benefit of developers.
Asheville City Council’s Sept. 23 meeting.
Free speech at the Transit Center $60 million in water improvements needed to keep pace with growth Parking on downtown Asheville’s south side could become much easier in the near future. While the Buncombe County commissioners were considering funding a large parking deck on Coxe Avenue at their Sept. 16 meeting (see county commissioners’ report […]
There’s so much going on in the heart of downtown Asheville that we thought it would be good to develop a way to help keep track of it: the new Mountain Xpress Web cam, an ever-vigilant cyber-eye trained on the new Pack Square Park and a news-making magnolia tree.
This morning, Judge Marlene Hyatt announced that she would delay a summary judgment hearing on the lawsuit against the controversial Parkside land sale until 2 p.m. today.
Responding to a letter from Parkside developer Stewart Coleman, protesters beneath the magnolia tree adjacent to City/County Plaza are planning “direct action” workshops and demanding that either the city of Asheville or Buncombe County declare eminent domain to return the property to public hands
City green-lights Civic Center roof replacement Some gated communities can expand City to help fund water hookups for affordable/green housing Through snow and rain and heat and gloom of night … it leaked. Over the years, the Asheville Civic Center’s roof—probably the ailing facility’s No. 1 structural woe—has gotten less than glowing press. Celebrities have […]
These plans for the Haywood Park development — to include a hotel, condominiums, retail space and a parking deck — show the downtown area included in the plans, as well as renderings and aerial views of what the final project would look like. Click here to download a PDF of the documents.