Asheville writer, audio documentarian and singer-songwriter Carla Seidl wraps up her two-year local foods project, Earth Flavors, with a reflection on what she learned from her many interviews with local growers and foragers.

Asheville writer, audio documentarian and singer-songwriter Carla Seidl wraps up her two-year local foods project, Earth Flavors, with a reflection on what she learned from her many interviews with local growers and foragers.
Thai fire, Sicilian silver, German red: The world of garlic is far more exotic than one might expect from perusing the plain, white varieties found in most supermarket aisles. Root Bottom Farm owners Morgan and Sarah Decker are working to spread the word about the diverse types of the pungent, flavorful bulb that can be grown in Western North Carolina.
Often considered a weed, locally prolific lambsquarter is actually a highly nutritious wild edible that we can harvest for free in our own backyards.