Math — arithmetic we called it back then — always made my head hurt, so I try to stay away from the stuff. But my eighth-grade math teacher, Mrs. Sears, always told us, “If you can’t figure something out, round off the numbers.” And that’s what I did when I read about how [Buncombe County […]
Tag: economic stimulus package
Showing 1-4 of 4 results

County landfill to get $3 million in stimulus funds
Buncombe County will receive $3 million in federal stimulus funds to make improvements that will extend the life of the landfill and set up an energy system that will provide 1,100 homes with electricity, according to an announcement from the county.
Asheville City Council seeks 2009 federal economic stimulus funding
Asheville City Council is seeking federal economic stimulus funding for a number of projects. This June 2009 staff report updates the city’s efforts in three areas. First, the city is looking for grant money to create 10 handicapped accessible units in the Aston Park Towers public housing complex. Second, staff is asking for the OK […]

The $787 billion question: How do we get our hands on economic-stimulus cash?
Local governments should collaborate in applying for and using federal tax dollars that will come to Western North Carolina through the just-signed federal stimulus package and be cautious in budgeting for the cash, Rep. Heath Shuler said Thursday afternoon.