With our obsession in elections of winner-take-all maps, we tend to overlook the similarities and subtleties of the vote totals. We are all more purple than red or blue.

With our obsession in elections of winner-take-all maps, we tend to overlook the similarities and subtleties of the vote totals. We are all more purple than red or blue.
County commissioner candidate Terry Van Duyn speaks at The Power of 5 Women press conference on Wall Street. (photo by Bill Rhodes)
It’s a busy day in North Carolina news rooms. With the first stage of the governor’s race, two congressional primaries, local races, and the much-debated Amendment One on the ballot, turnout is expected to be high. Follow the news via Twitter at #avlelect, and check here for dispatches as they come in. Photo by Max Cooper.
There’s a slew of candidates (and a very controversial constitutional amendment) on the ballot. Here’s Xpress’ guide to today’s elections, including candidate questionnaires and an analysis of Amendment One.