The Hunger Games red carpet, WNC-style

Editor’s note: Xpress sent local young-adult author Stephanie Perkins to cover the very hush-hush red carpet preview of The Hunger Games on Wednesday. Perkins was the perfect corespondent because, not only does she get young adult fiction, she was also chosen as an extra in the Hunger Games movie, filmed in Western N.C. Unfortunately, due to her busy writing schedule, Perkins had to back out of filming; luckily for us, she was available to catch the early viewing. Photo from the Asheville Citizen-Times website.

July 16 in Asheville: So much to do, so little time

You know how there are some days in Asheville where everything seems to happen at once, and even if you gave it your very best college try, you couldn’t possibly cram it all in to one 24-hour period of time? Well Saturday, July 16 is one of those days. Here, to make your time management next to impossible, are five events worth shoe-horning into your schedule (including The Black Rabbits, seen here, who’ll play Westville Pub).

Hooray for Hanke

When I moved back home to Asheville after a lengthy sojourn in the [Research ] Triangle, I was thrilled to find that Asheville had its own film critic and that he actually reviewed real movies that played in real movie theaters that real people went to see. You see, in the Triangle at that time, […]