A meeting originally scheduled between the Asheville Downtown Association, city of Asheville staff and Council members is now a “downtown summit” in Pack Library at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 21, with the public invited to attend and weigh in on the issues affecting the area.
Tag: forums
Showing 1-7 of 7 results

Into the Forums: A video report
Clive The Boarding Robot gives us the forecast for the weekend’s posting.

Into the Forums
Psst! Clive the possibility robot wants to invite you into the mountainx.com Forums….
Xpress Forums weekly round-up
What’d you miss on the MountainX.com Forums this week? Let’s take a look.

Into the Forums
Another video from MX Boarders, City Council elections, the bank robber who notified 911 — and more, made their way, not only into MX’s Forums, but also this weekly round-up.

Into the Forums
What they said, videoed, animated and otherwise communicated this week on mountainx.com’s Forums.
2008’s top hits on mountainx.com
Xpress’ Web site grew by leaps and bounds in 2008, with daily arts and news briefs and a slew of new multimedia features. And by counting page views, we’ve learned which stories and features snagged the most online readers this year. Here’s the view from cyberspace: Most-viewed news articles: Managing Editor Jon Elliston‘s “Cruel Summer,” […]