Xpress will update this page with election results, candidate reactions, pictures and more throughout the evening.

Xpress will update this page with election results, candidate reactions, pictures and more throughout the evening.
Democrat incumbent John Ager is seeking a second term for NC House District 115 while Republican challenger Frank Moretz looks to become the new representative for the eastern Buncombe County district.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, and early voting runs through Nov. 5. Below you will find questionnaires from candidates at the federal, state and local levels. You can also find our federal and state election coverage in the current, Oct. 26, issue and our county election coverage in the upcoming Nov. 3 issue. For […]
Democrat Brian Turner is the presumptive winner of November’s House District 116 election. Aug. 25 marked the final day for Buncombe County Republicans to select a candidate to run against him.
There are two ways to view Xpress’ Q&A with the candidates: Either click the candidates’ picture to see a text version of their answers or click the grid below. John Ager (I), Democrat Frank Moretz, Republican
Frank Moretz, Republican votemoretz.com Place of residence: Fairview Occupation: Retired physician, small-business owner Political experience: None Endorsements: DNA Amount of money raised: DNA Top three donors and amount contributed: DNA Why are you running? I believe in service: I served my country for eight years in the United States Air Force, I served my […]