City leaders in Brevard stand behind a public works director facing federal prosecution over handling of contaminated soil taken to a Transylvania County landfill.

City leaders in Brevard stand behind a public works director facing federal prosecution over handling of contaminated soil taken to a Transylvania County landfill.
The Buncombe County Board of Education voted unanimously Aug. 2 to direct staff to look in to consider doing an independent study of hazardous-waste contamination at the school system’s administrative offices at 175 Bingham Road — the former Square D plant.
Your recent coverage of the Savannah River Site and Sandy Mush is one-sided, and doesn't seem to have been fact-checked [“Local Matters Special Edition: Talking nuclear with Ned Ryan Doyle and Jerry Nelson,” an online-only feature, Jan. 20,]. There is no plan to consider Sandy Mush as a waste repository site, which is a […]
Early voting and hazardous waste transportation stand out in this week’s agenda.