Life after cancer: Oncology nurse and cancer survivor to hold cancer survivorsh­ip talk

After being cancer-free for six years, Penny Stollery recently hiked from the edge of Gatlinburg to Mount LeConte with friends to mark the end of five years of hormonal therapy. But as she stood on the mountain, the oncology nurse practitioner says she recognized that life after cancer is its own battle — and one that is seldom discussed. (photo courtesy of Penny Stollery)

Mission opens new center to help blind, visually impaired

With an oven, microwave, refrigerator and stove, the training kitchen inside of Mission Health’s recently opened Low Vision Center at Asheville’s Industries for the Blind looks no different from any other kitchen. However, for Tony West, he sees the kitchen differently — primarily through smell and touch. (Above, Tony West works at Industries for the Blind in Asheville. Photo by Caitlin Byrd)

Taking care: Therapeuti­c vacations for caregivers

When you’re taking care of someone with dementia, there’s no such thing as just getting away for a few days, says Asheville resident Thomas Stern, who’s had extensive caregiving experience. To help address such challenges, Stern is launching AV.E Health and, beginning in January, the company will offer assisted vacations at the Grove Park Inn for people with dementia and their family caregivers.

Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission completes its first annual report

Founded in 2005, the Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission completed its first annual report. The report, which attempts to give a current look at substance abuse in Buncombe County and provide a plan to address it, was released yesterday, Oct. 15. A link to the report can be found in this post. (Image shown is a screenshot taken of the report itself)

Beautiful Minds: Aurora envisions new dawn for artists in recovery

Homeless, stressed and dealing with a family crisis, the woman hardly seemed a goddess when she entered the Neil Dobbins Center in Asheville. But for drug-and-alcohol counselor Lori Greenberg, this woman would become her muse. This May, Greenberg founded the Aurora Studio & Gallery for artists struggling with mental illness, addiction and homelessness. She hopes to open the studio sometime next year in the River Arts District. (Photo by Caitlin Byrd)

Audits show Mission Health’s compliance with COPA

Released today, audits from the past 5 years show Mission Health has complied fully with regulations outlined in the state-issued Certificate of Public Advantage. Issued by the state in 1995, the COPA allowed Mission to merge with St. Josephs Hospital — if Mission agreed to state regulation. Voluntarily, Mission agreed and has been in the agreement ever since. However, earlier this year, Mission Health urged the House Select Committee on the Certificate of Need Process and Hospital Issues to reconsider.

CIBO talks taxes, appoints new officers and board

Whether it was talk about the tax revaluation facing Buncombe County or the new tax rates coming from the Affordable Care Act, presentations at the Sept. 7 Council of Independent Business Owners breakfast focused on how these changes could impact the wallets of local business owners. These are the highlights. (Photo of Scott Huges, above, and Gary Roberts by Caitlin Byrd)