“But his visit to Berchtesgaden and his comments there raise troubling questions that he has failed to answer.”

“But his visit to Berchtesgaden and his comments there raise troubling questions that he has failed to answer.”
“Locally slaughtering meat reduces costs and emissions from transport and produces local jobs while keeping our farmers’ dollars here in WNC.”
“I’d like to end on a less scholarly note … by quoting Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia: ‘If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn’t we?'”
“The imprisonment for life of animals killed for food is a holocaust that makes all the combined crimes of humanity against other humans pale in number.”
“Violence is violence, and if you believe in social justice, how can you support the abuse of animals simply because they cannot defend themselves? Isn’t that the basis of most discrimination?”
“The point of my [letter] was to express that today, billions of animals are being slaughtered yearly, and this is acceptable to most people.”
‘Apparently, the reader’s singleminded disagreement with raising and killing animals for their meat has blinded her to the crimes that have been and continue to be committed throughout history by people against people.’
The seventh annual Holocaust Remembrance Concert, entitled ELEGY: Songs of Lamentation, takes place at UNC Asheville’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in the Manheimer Room on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 5 p.m.
Congregation Beth HaTephila invites the public to a Holocaust Commemoration Day event on Sunday, April 11.