All four of the acts spotlighted in this edition are American; none is from Asheville, but all are musically adventurous and intriguing enough to justify a trip out on a potentially wintry February (or early March) Asheville evening.

All four of the acts spotlighted in this edition are American; none is from Asheville, but all are musically adventurous and intriguing enough to justify a trip out on a potentially wintry February (or early March) Asheville evening.
Music from the ’80s and ’90s, a silent auction and raffle, and dressed up dancing are all on the agenda at Francine Delany New School for Children’s upcoming fundraiser. The event is at Isis on Friday, Feb. 3.
The event, now in its second year, showcases Asheville’s soul musicians. The production takes place at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Friday, Jan. 13.
This week’s roundup includes Dweezil Zappa, Wendy Jones, Airpark and The Legendary Shack Shakers.
For several years now, Celtic fiddler Jamie Laval has crafted a special December program for audiences. He presents “Celtic Christmas,” a family-friendly performance that showcases not only Christmas traditions, but observances of older pagan rituals centered around winter solstice.
The final roundup of 2016 includes Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band, The Nth Power, The Cheeksters and Marching Church.
The self-proclaimed King of Mosey came up with the term to avoid being labeled a country artist.
The Travelin’ McCourys’ perform, as part of the Bluegrass Ball with Andy Thorn, Travis Book and Jon Stickley, at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 15 and 16.
This week’s roundup includes Russ Wilson’s “Have Yourself a Swinging Little Christmas,” Amy Black’s Muscle Shoals Revue, Will Ray & the Space Cooties and a Hustle Souls New Year’s Eve show.
New recording King Summer, a three song EP in advance of full-length Sensitivity Kit — due out next year — takes the band’s vision to the next level. RBTS WIN will perform those songs, other new material and back catalog favorites at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, Dec. 10.
This week’s roundup includes the California Guitar Trio, TAUK, Howard Jones and The O’Connor Band.
Scales is currently touring with a collective of esteemed musicians — the group held its first rehearsal at the beginning of this week. Scales’ current seven-date tour includes a performance at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Sunday, Nov. 20.
Ride a bike, cut a rug, revisit Neil Young, tour a haunted house or celebrate the spookiest season with poetry and pie. There are as many ways to commemorate All Hallows Eve as there are sexy zombie costume possibilities.
When Childress set out to record his debut solo album, Mind the Gap — which he’ll launch at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, Oct. 15 — theatrics had to take a back seat.
Isis Restaurant & Music Hall hosts The Revelers plus Dirty Bourbon River Show on Friday, Sept. 23.
The group has already made impressive in-roads, contributing an original song to Son of Rogue’s Gallery, a collection of pirate songs produced, in part, by Johnny Depp. And they’ll appear throughout the forthcoming PBS/BBC special “American Epic,” which is produced by Jack White, Robert Redford and T Bone Burnett.
Tess performs with her band the Talkbacks in Isis Restaurant & Music Hall’s upstairs lounge on Thursday, Sept. 15.
Marshall-based folk trio Honey Be Nice shares three songs in advance of a Wednesday, Aug. 24 show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall.
The party is at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, Aug. 20.
To make it in the post-label world of today’s music industry, artists have to supplement their musical prowess with an understanding of how to promote that music.
Andrew Finn Magill’s early influences and trajectory as a violinist are represented on a two-album concept project, Roots and Branches. He holds an album release show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Friday, July 8.