City Council to take fresh look at downtown developmen­t

With four cranes silhouetted against the skyline, construction fencing blocking sidewalks and hundreds of construction workers on the job every day, downtown Asheville is buzzing with development activity. Despite the blazing pace of new construction, City Council has reviewed only four downtown projects since 2010. At its Dec. 8 meeting, City Council will reconsider the thresholds that trigger Council review.

City Council candidate forum du jour: League of Women Voters

Though they share many of the same policy positions and goals for Asheville, each of the six city council candidates still in the race must now highlight for voters the qualities and experiences that make him or her unique. At the latest candidate forum, candidates worked to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Julie Mayfield

Julie Mayfield Website: Employment: Co-director of MountainTrue Party affiliation: Democrat NEW! Notable endorsements: Sierra Club, Equality NC, state Sen. Terry Van Duyn, state Rep. Susan Fisher, state Rep. John Ager, Council member Chris Pelly, Council member Gordon Smith, Commissioner Brownie Newman, school board member Cindy McMahon, Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger, Adam Charnack of […]