217 Hilliard Ave floor plan

Council approves grant for downtown microhousi­ng

Of 80 microhousing units, 16 would be designated as affordable for people earning at or below 80% of the area median income. However, developer David Moritz confirmed that market-price rent for all of the project’s units would be about $1,000 including utilities, meaning that the city-subsidized units would not immediately be cheaper for their tenants.

City Council considers poll results, sets public hearing on bond

Armed with survey results that indicate community support for the proposed $74 million bond referendum, City Council set a public hearing on the issue for its next meeting on August 9. Council also responded to citizen concerns about community policing in the wake of the fatal shooting by police of Jai “Jerry” Williams on July 2, announcing the formation of a task force in cooperation with the Racial Justice Coalition.

Asheville city seal

City Council queues up next step on bond referendum

City Council will meet Tuesday, July 26 to discuss the 2016 city bond referendum and hear reports on the city’s Homestay program and the Mayor’s Development Task Force. Public hearings on a land-use incentive grant for an affordable housing development project and a request for special consideration for signage at the Ingles Market at 863 Brevard Rd. are also on the agenda.