Local artist Gus Cutty is finishing up a new mural of Lou Reed in front of Static Records in downtown Asheville.

Local artist Gus Cutty is finishing up a new mural of Lou Reed in front of Static Records in downtown Asheville.
If anyone questions the validity of the Huffington Post's recent article regarding the fluff which fuels Asheville's reputation, then you should look no further than the absolutely preposterous Earth Day celebration which was auspiciously sited on the rolling , um, pavement of Lexington Avenue. Yeah, that’s right: an Earth Day celebration on pavement. Had the […]
As long as I've been visiting or living in Asheville, I've been browsing, buying and selling my books at Downtown Books and News [“Grumbly but Great,” Jan. 30 Xpress]. DBN has literally fed me, both in knowledge and in cash for my books, and is fair with pricing and what it pays. The staff, the […]
On the cover of the Dec. 5 Xpress, you printed a picture of a mural of Screamin' Jay Hawkins. You credited the photographer, but not the artist who painted the mural. The artist who painted the mural is Gus Cutty. He painted it free-hand, entirely with spray paint. He has numerous murals in and around […]
Big changes are coming to North Lexington and Rankin avenues in downtown Asheville, which may eventually include new restaurants, office spaces, condos, galleries, a courtyard and a terrace, reports property owner John Lantzius.