Buncombe to Bonnaroo 2011 ***UPDATED­***

Buncombe to Bonnaroo 2011
Bonnaroo 2011 was hot – and we’re not just talking about the temps. Asheville guitar god Aaron “Woody” Wood played scorching sets that garnered national radio time; local b-boy crew Fresh Trix wowed crowds with their funky body contortions; locally based music marketing company Music Allies ran a huge backstage operation, and countless other peeps with local connections worked, played and partied hard just down the road in Manchester, Tenn. Photos by Jake Frankel

Fist Family reunion

Former Asheville rappers Fist Family returns for a reunion show (not with each other — they’ve been going strong all along — but with friends and Gurp City South members) and a record release. Friday, June 10 at Emerald Lounge. Click through for video from the band’s new album.