Xpress will update this page with election results, candidate reactions, pictures and more throughout the evening.

Xpress will update this page with election results, candidate reactions, pictures and more throughout the evening.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, and early voting runs through Nov. 5. Below you will find questionnaires from candidates at the federal, state and local levels. You can also find our federal and state election coverage in the current, Oct. 26, issue and our county election coverage in the upcoming Nov. 3 issue. For […]
There are two ways to view Xpress’ Q&A with the candidates: Either click the candidates’ picture to see a text version of their answers or click the grid below. No incumbent, Chuck Edwards was appointed to finish Sen. Tom Apodaca’s term. Norm Bossert, Democrat Chuck Edwards, Republican
Chuck Edwards, Republican (Appointed to finish Sen. Apodaca’s term) Chuckedwardsnc.com Place of residence: Flat Rock Occupation: Small-business owner Political experience: Never before run for office Endorsements: National Federation of Independent Business; N.C. Chamber of Commerce; former Sen. Tom Apodaca; Jeff Miller; National Rifle Association Amount of money raised: Please refer to avl.mx/32q Top three donors […]
Norm Bossert, Democrat bossertforstatesenate.com Place of residence: Pisgah Forest Occupation: Principal, Black Mountain Elementary School Political experience: Former chairman, Transylvania County Democratic Party; current secretary, 11th Congressional District Democratic Party; candidate for N.C. House two years ago; candidate for Transylvania School Board six years ago. Endorsements: AFL-CIO; Equality NC; Planned Parenthood Amount of money raised: […]