Sketch comedy-based two-woman show Parallel Lives stars Neela Munoz and Nichole Hamilton, who give nuanced and broadly bodacious performances.
Tag: NC Stage Company
Showing 43-49 of 49 results
Letter writer: Great theater awaits with An Iliad
“This is to alert your readers to a performance far above what is commonly available. The N.C. Stage Company is putting on An Iliad through April 19.”
Theater review: “An Iliad” by Immediate Theatre Project
Tales don’t get much older than Homer’s Iliad — a tale almost as old as time. But An Iliad, now showing at N.C. Stage Company, is a modern variation of the tale, with an intimate approach, giving us a lone poet and a piano player set among the bare stage of a theater.
Asheville Amadeus festival celebrates Mozart and local art
The inaugural Asheville Amadeus Festival — which runs March 17-22 — sees the Asheville Symphony Orchestra team up not only with Highland Brewing Co., but also with local groups ranging from N.C. Stage Company and the Asheville Art Museum to the Blue Ridge Orchestra and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville.
The best of 2014 in local theater
There’s an old saying that goes, “Theater has been failing for thousands of years.” The mid-2000s saw some lean times for the arts, and many theater organizations have struggled to maintain, reinvent and grow new audiences. But 2014 felt like a page had turned for the better on most counts. The arts in general (and […]
Theater Review: Don’t Dress For Dinner at NC Stage Company
When it comes to guaranteed laughs, the comedy team of Charlie Flynn-McIver and Scott Treadway has become something of the Hope and Crosby, or perhaps the Bill Murray and Harold Ramis of Western North Carolina. Nowhere is this more evident than in Don’t Dress For Dinner, currently onstage at NC Stage Company. One of the […]
The Feral Chihuahuas take a victory lap
“Awards Show” — one of the sketch comedy troupe’s only two full-length programs for this year — takes place March 7 and 8 and 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., at NC Stage.