Major grants to Western North Carolina health care institutions and nonprofits offer promise of health benefits for vulnerable populations, while the Mountain Area Health Education Center reaches out to local government leaders to propose a collaborative effort to boost community health.
Tag: Park Ridge Health
Showing 1-16 of 16 results
Wellness in brief: New urgent care clinics, local WIC program receives breastfeeding honor
Which local hospitals made the grade in The Leapfrog Group fall ratings? Plus, new urgent care clinics, breastfeeding program wins award and a new pet loss grief support group continues in January.
CrossFit for all abilities, health happenings, AIDS Memorial Quilt returns to Asheville
Since the inception of a new adaptive exercise program for athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities in October, a core group of about six athletes with a variety of abilities and challenges have made “incredible” progress, reports Karla Furnari of Buncombe County Recreation Services. The program meets on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. at South Slope CrossFit and is free to attend.
Top lawyers, disaster loans and a new retail store in Biz Briefs from our issue of Aug. 29
Garden Party, a new retail store, will host its grand opening Thursday, Aug. 30 in the former location of The Drygoods Shop at 474 Haywood Road in West Asheville. Several Asheville lawyers were named among the nation’s best, while
Business news in brief from our issue of Aug. 22, a search engine that uses all of its profits to plant trees, has selected Asheville as the home base for its United States representative.
Local doc publishes guide to better health
Are you a fan of health and wellness advice? If so, you may want to check out Dr. Gus Vickery’s new book, which shares his prescription for attaining and maintaining health. We’ve got the details, along with a roundup of other local health news, in this edition of Health Briefs from our issue of Aug. 1, 2018.
Physicians must recognize that they need care, too
“We must first transform our culture to embrace the human side of medical providers, with all their vulnerabilities, and remember that physicians’ lives hold value and meaning separate from the role they play as care providers.”
Prayer: A gateway to healing
Does prayer work? And how? Local prayer leaders and pastors who spoke with Xpress are in general agreement that the answer is “yes” — but it often depends on your definition of a successful outcome. “I believe God still performs miracles, [but] he’s not a vending machine,” says Michael Lombardo, who serves as director of pastoral […]
WNC employers create healthy workplace options
Workplace health initiatives are cropping up in Western North Carolina. Large hospital systems such as Mission Health and Park Ridge, as well as business owners and organizations like the Western North Carolina Medical Society, are starting to think “inside” the box: They’re creating in-house wellness programs that help employees lose weight, lower stress, get more exercise […]
For your Health: Local wellness news and events
The WNC AIDS Project, Park Ridge Health South Asheville and WNC’s largest corn maze in this week’s health events round-up.
For your health: Local wellness news and events
Park Ridge Health enhances ICU care with advanced telemedicine Park Ridge Health is currently providing around-the-clock monitoring of intensive care unit (ICU) patients by physicians and critical care nurses through its new tele-ICU program. Using this technology, two-way video access in each patient’s room enables face-to-face consultations between the bedside and Advanced ICU Care team, and […]
Not kidding around
Most of Mission Hospital’s walls are varying shades of beige, but when you step off the elevator on the third floor, color greets you. This is where adult care ends and the pediatrics unit begins: Ceiling tiles feature original artwork by young patients and white clouds float on blue walls in a playroom down the […]
Mission makes new case for Fletcher endoscopy center, but public opposition remains
Less than one year after the state rejected their first request to relocate an endoscopy center from Asheville to Fletcher, Mission Health and Pardee Hospital are trying again. But during an almost 3-hour long public hearing held in Mills River today, not everyone understood why these health systems are applying again, or what has changed. More than 100 people attended the meeting, and about 50 people spoke during the public comment. (photo by Caitlin Byrd)
Park Ridge Health partners with The Health Adventure, will move it to Biltmore Square Mall
This past spring, The Health Adventure was in bankruptcy. Today, July 13, Park Ridge Health announced that it will partner with the organization and move it to the Biltmore Square Mall. For the full press release …
WNC Healthcare Initiative’s Letter to Gov. Perdue
On May 24, 2011, the CEO of Park Ridge Health (part of the Adventist Health system) and two local oncologist sent a letter on behalf of the WNC Healthcare Initiative to N.C. Gov. Bev Purdue and Sec. of Health Services Lanier Cansler, asking them to immediately “the perceived predatory practices of Mission” Health Systems.
WNC Wellness review: Healthcare turf wars, Tai Chi for cancer survivors and more