Local photographer Mike Belleme’s street skaters images are included on the CNN Photos blog. Image by Belleme, from his website.

Local photographer Mike Belleme’s street skaters images are included on the CNN Photos blog. Image by Belleme, from his website.
Among these colorful folks were a couple of shirtless guys wearing bandannas over their faces. One of them quickly sought me out to tell me that I couldn’t take his picture. Those were his words, exactly: “You can’t take my picture.”
I’ve been around a fair amount of gunfire and fireworks, and I can tell the difference in their reports. But, apparently, my paranoid reflexes cannot. After I picked myself up off the pavement, I tried to tell myself to be cool, that it was just a march. And my self said: you’re an idiot, and you’re in a real situation here.
At noon on Friday, Feb. 24, travel photojournalist Jerry Nelson will be at the Vanuatu Kava Bar to discuss his experiences and share pictures from his new coffee-table book, OccupyDC: As I See It.
No presents from Santa this year – just a serious beat down at Hendersonville’s High Velocity Wrestling.
I met Star last week, on a brilliantly cold night when he and his fellow Occupiers were huddled together in front of City Hall’s cul-de-sac. He confided to me that his plan for changing the world involves vilifying the rich to the point that their wives withhold sex.
My windows are rolled up due to the cold, but when her scream comes echoing out over the buildings, it’s still alarmingly loud. She clutches her head and rocks back and forth. I’m afraid she’s going to jump.