A public meeting will be held Feb. 25, from 4-7 p.m., at the North Carolina Arboretum to discuss the upcoming proposed changes to the Interstate 26/Brevard Road interchange. Though no formal presentation will be given at the meeting, maps will be on display, and NCDOT staff will be on site to answer questions and receive comments on the new design.
Tag: public
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Asheville Redefines Transit public meetings underway
A series of public ‘drop-in’ meetings is underway – today was West Asheville – and will continue over the next two weeks as Asheville rolls out the biggest change to its transit system in years.
Philippes Dargan speaks with Mariate Echeverry of Asheville Transit about changes to routes and schedules. Mr. Dargan has used transit in Asheville “for years.” (photo by Bill Rhodes)