The Southeast High-Speed Rail Corridor, planned to run through North Carolina and Virginia, could get a portion of the $8 billion in federal stimulus money designated for high-speed and intercity rail service.

The Southeast High-Speed Rail Corridor, planned to run through North Carolina and Virginia, could get a portion of the $8 billion in federal stimulus money designated for high-speed and intercity rail service.
Long-range planning for high-speed rail service between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. — via Greenville, S.C., and Charlotte, N.C. — has been deemed feasible by a new study.
“It is no secret that I have questions about the whole project.” — Council member Joe Dunn An initiative designed to link Asheville to an evolving statewide rail network roared into City Council’s Feb. 17 work session, but unanswered questions and concerns about the plan’s viability prompted Council members to creep ahead cautiously rather than […]