Ralph Burns: A Persistenc­e of Vision

Ralph Burns: A Persistence of Vision, 1972 – 2013, is a new exhibition opening this Saturday, March 29 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Asheville Art Museum. The show, curated by J. Richard Gruber, Ph.D., the Director Emeritus of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art, surveys 41 years of work by Asheville photographer Ralph Burns. Photo: “Baptism #1,” Jordan River, Israel, 1996, silver gelatin print

Jesus is my DJ

We are blessed to be able to pick up two great gospel stations in the asheville area: WKJV (1380 AM) and WGCR (720 AM). I urge you all to try these stations. I promise you that the good, ole' time preaching and music will change you life — it did mine. If it were not […]

Face your fear and stand with us

What is this, target practice? In that case, go long next time. To Pastor Keith A. Ogden: your “argument” has been countered so many times, it has become redundant and boring [“What's Next, Polygamy Benefits?” March 27 Xpress]. Biblical marriage consists not only of polygamy, but also rape, slavery, pedophilia, incest, murder and an assortment […]

When love truly fills your heart all fear vanishes

In response to Rev. Keith Ogden's March 27 letter regarding the current “dangerous” homosexual legislation, here are some reasons we should oppose Marriage Equality [“What's Next, Polygamy Benefits?” Xpress]. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning and science in general. Gay marriage will encourage people to be […]

Intoleranc­e is poor theology

Why is it that some religious folks are bent on inserting themselves (and their particular beliefs) into the business of government or civil matters, such as equality for all taxpaying citizens and, in this specific case, Buncombe County workers? [“What's Next, Polygamy Benefits?” March 27 Xpress.] While the county commissioners' vote approved benefits for both […]

Take heart — Amendment One won’t stand

Amendment One's passage in North Carolina and its similar enforcement in the vast majority of the United States will be on the books now. Although disappointed, I do not despair because this issue has been decided by the “X,” “Y” and “Millennial” generations. As they assume positions of power, the states will rescind these laws […]

Born again and again

Just when I think I have found the secret to loving Jesus, it eludes me. I have had some very close encounters. I am not a slacker seeker. I have been curious about God long enough to know I am due some understanding. Many people I love have that light about them and credit Jesus. […]

Faith in focus

In a time when many religions are witnessing a drop-off in attendance at worship services, evangelicalism is booming: It’s the fastest-growing form of faith in the United States today. A substantial 26.3 percent of American adults define themselves as evangelicals, according to the 2008 U.S. Religious Landscape Study conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion […]

Judgment days

Paying their respects: Billy Graham speaks at the opening of his library in Charlotte earlier this year. Three former presidents — George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton — were there to speak of their admiration for him. Photo By Cecil Bothwell In the weeks after John F. Kennedy won one of the closest […]