“The merest appearance of the possibility of theoretical danger or liability does not justify Buncombe County’s kids missing hours of real instruction.”

“The merest appearance of the possibility of theoretical danger or liability does not justify Buncombe County’s kids missing hours of real instruction.”
“While safety is paramount, the current system of blanket school closures is failing our kids and families.”
Associate Superintendent Jennifer Reed explained that the revisions would change Monday, March 17 from an optional teacher workday to an early dismissal day and adjust Tuesday, April 1 and Friday, May 23 from early dismissal days to full school days.
“I’m frustrated by the repeated closure of our city schools without an adequate plan for making up lost learning time.”
Janet Frazier, the school system’s media technology specialist, explained that even prior to the pandemic, BCS had begun incorporating more technology for both staff and students.
Many areas of rural mountains in NC have limited internet access or people are forced to rely on satellites. Infusion of funds may change that.
“I feel that they have failed our children and their families, in keeping the children virtual for almost a year now.”
Writer Molly Horak reflects on her 2020 reporting.
Under the state’s plan B,Davie County Schools and Brevard Academy have taken similar but slightly different approaches to find ways to provide individualized instruction to Exceptional Children, focusing on creative ways to bring them into school buildings safely.