The “comedic love letter to all levels of pop-culture fandom” debuts May 24 at The Magnetic Theatre.

The “comedic love letter to all levels of pop-culture fandom” debuts May 24 at The Magnetic Theatre.
The production straddles a line between comedy and drama. “The director and I went back and forth on how to market it,” Jamieson Ridenhour says. “Most of the play is like a comedy and there’s a lot of funny dialogue. But it is quite dark. I tend to be a horror writer, but this is not a horror play.”
Different Strokes stages an adaptation of Night of the Living Dead at The Magnetic Theatre.
Playwright Nat Allister tweaked Tarocco following its 2015 debut, and now the emboldened work is set for a tour, beginning at Diana Wortham Theatre on Friday-Sunday, July 22-24.
The Magnetic Theatre’s productions of Death of a Salesman mark the start of the theatrical group’s new series to honor classics. Showings run Thursdays-Saturdays, April 28-May 28.
Warren Wilson Theatre’s Not Suitable for Children season continues with an end-of-the-universe tale at Kittredge Theatre on Thursday to Sunday, March 3-6.
Performances are Thursdays through Sundays, Nov. 5-21, at 7:30 p.m., at The BeBe Theatre, with proceeds benefiting Paws on ASD.