The children of the Emma Community have a new way of getting to school. A “walking school bus” puts the neighborhood’s new sidewalks to use and gives students a safer way to walk to school.

The children of the Emma Community have a new way of getting to school. A “walking school bus” puts the neighborhood’s new sidewalks to use and gives students a safer way to walk to school.
Will the Asheville Police Department lead by example of the social order they've been tasked to uphold and not ride their bikes on sidewalks? As they pass, I'm forced to walk in the street, unprotected and unrepresented. — Nathanael Roney Asheville The writer is the senior graphic designer at Mountain Xpress
I never realized how big of a problem littering was in Asheville until I got a puppy. Taking her for a walk is a near-constant struggle to steer her away from broken glass, cigarette butts, fireworks, piles of dog crap and, most recently, a used diaper. I mean seriously, how lazy does one have to […]
I am against the proposed deal between the not-so-Public Interest Projects developers and the city of Asheville. The city could more wisely use the revenue generated from our just-paid-off parking decks and other parking facilities by providing sidewalks for neighborhoods and improving public transportation. Safe sidewalks for residents of Asheville should be a priority. Historically, […]
I would like to respond to the issue of sidewalks-versus-parking deck at 51 Biltmore Ave. … As a resident of east Asheville, I am strongly in favor of sidewalks in our community. In Haw Creek, we currently have two elementary schools that are not accessible by sidewalks to the residents who live north of Beverly […]
Back in October, Asheville City Council members voted to toughen ordinances that require property owners to keep sidewalks clean. Here’s a video — shared with city Council at the Nov. 9 meeting — of volunteer clean-up efforts, led by Z-Link and such government officials as Council member Cecil Bothwell, who narrates. (an Asheville PARC & Z-Links Presentation). Z-Links is planning a Nov. 20, city-wide clean-up.
The Sidewalk Cleanup Story from Bruce Kennedy on Vimeo.
Greenlife Grocery promised to pay for repairs to Maxwell Street’s sidewalk, but the city of Asheville never sent them a bill.