Hungry for a helping of local superhero and sci-fi fandom? Check out this gallery of images from this year’s Fanaticon.
Tag: slide show
Showing 22-42 of 50 results
Big fun at Big Love
Xpress snapped pictures of a lot of lovers at the first Big Love fest, a day of all-local festivities that we’d say was a Big Success. Also, check out the video.
Fitz & the Tantrums at the Orange Peel
The L.A.-based retro-soul outfit returned to Asheville as a headliner, playing a high-energy and wildly fun show. Slideshow of photos by Rich Orris.
Web Extra: Remembering the Marion Massacre
In the following multimedia companion pieces to this week’s cover story, “Mountain Shame,” we offer a narrated slide show of images culled from a newly unveiled scrapbook that documents the violent 1929 labor strikes in Marion, N.C. We’ve also posted the audio documentary, Strike, which examines the demonstration and its effect on the rural mountain town.

Mountain shame: Remembering the Marion Massacre
As the sun rose on the morning of Oct. 2, 1929, hundreds of picketing mill workers in Marion, N.C., found themselves in a deadly standoff with law enforcement. (photo by Jonathan Welch)
Sanctum Sully rocks the bus
The bluegrass boys of Sanctum Sully took Rich Orris on a wild ride to Pisgah Brewing.

Making mischief with Santa and his elves
Relive Asheville’s version of SantaCon.
Multimedia features For an audio slideshow about this story, click on the box at right. See a photo gallery here, click here for videos of local dancers in action. Click the image above to view a slideshow by Jonathan Welch. Music provided by local salsa band Nuevo Montuno, with a song titled “Siembra”. From spicy […]

Parade puts Asheville in holiday mood
Thousands of people converged on downtown Asheville Saturday morning for the annual holiday parade that featured everything from big tractors and little tots to marching bands and church floats, funky chickens and cheerleaders. Oh, and Santa, of course.

Asheville’s attack of the zombies
Like a scene out of a Romero scare-fest, the undead emerged from the darkness. They jolted through downtown streets. They screamed for brains. And then a rogue element of Asheville’s zombie horde descended upon the Asheville Civic Center and staged a political protest the likes of which the city has never seen.
The Dirt: The goodbye garden
As leaves fall and a late frost arrives, I gaze at my garden. I’ve been busy these past few weeks, and now I’m weighed down by the guilt of all the unfinished garden tasks. Driving to work, I’ve seen other gardens freshly plowed, cleared of their brown cornstalks and rotting tomatoes. Mine remains a mix […]

In praise of the pumpkin patch
At churches like Asheville’s Abernethy United Methodist, it’s not fall until the pumpkins arrive.
The Dirt: Salad days
Driving south of Providence, R.I., on Route 4 about 20 years ago, I used to see an old house that had a large cold frame installed on its south side, facing the highway. After about three winters of seeing it in use, I finally decided I just had to check it out. So I asked […]
A postcard from the climate frontier
Editor’s note: Xpress reporter Rebecca Bowe was part of a team of journalists invited by the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism to travel to Alaska Aug. 13-16 to view the on-the-ground effects of climate change. Her experiences there provided some of the material for this article. Click the image above to view a slideshow by […]
So you think you know Mumpower?
Editor’s note: News reporting inevitably involves many judgment calls. Typically, the quest for balanced reporting would call for including comments by Carl Mumpower’s critics as well as his friends and supporters. But those critics have been vocal and their concerns widely reported, both in this paper and elsewhere. Rather than repeating them here, we have […]
The Dirt: The corn diaries, part 2
Click the image above to view a slideshow by Margaret V. Williams and Jason Sandford. Desire often invites tragedy. This one began as a craving for my grandmother’s creamed corn. I explored seed catalogs, fantasizing about every variety, and finally picked two sweet ones: ‘Ira Hooker’s’ (multicolored and early) and ‘Golden Bantam’ (one of the […]

Asheville’s Masonic Lodge, revealed
Come along on a virtual tour inside the cloistered confines of Mount Hermon Masonic Lodge in downtown Asheville.

Trainees graduate Asheville Police Academy
With the pinning of badges and the recitation of an ethics pledge, a group of 14 cadets graduated from the Asheville Police Department’s police academy last week.

Audio slideshow: Sit a spell at Mrs. Hyatt’s Oprahouse
If you’re looking to kick off your July Fourth weekend a day early, consider stopping by Nelia Hyatt’s music house Thursday evening.
The Dirt: The Corn Diaries, part 1
Mid-February I crave homegrown corn. Creamy, rich, scraped-corn kernels baked with butter, salt and pepper, just like my grandma used to make. The corn was so rich and fresh she didn’t need to add milk or cream. But I look outside and see my field snowed under. Corn revels in warmth, and my mountainside ground […]

AUDIO SLIDESHOW: A bike like few others
In this week’s Xpress Outdoors section, writer Jack Igelman tells the story of Asheville resident Keith Young, who recently crafted a bicycle frame from bamboo and has plans to build more bikes from the giant grass