“Jane Kennedy and I are leading Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention in West Asheville on Friday mornings, starting Sept. 7. The class is free to participants.”

“Jane Kennedy and I are leading Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention in West Asheville on Friday mornings, starting Sept. 7. The class is free to participants.”
“How has the practice of qigong or tai chi changed your life?” Several local participants in World Tai Chi Day, observed April 25 at Recreational Park in East Asheville answered the question by demonstrating a pose that answers this question.
CarePartners receives grant for PACE services CarePartners, a local nonprofit and member of Mission Health, recently received a $220,000 grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust and is now seeking approval to become a PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) providing. The primary purpose of PACE programming is to help elders remain […]
Every Thursday at 4 p.m., Michael Davis swaps the white cotton maintenance uniform with his last name stitched on the chest for a silky jacket with a dragon embroidered on the back. Then he hurries to the activity room at the Asheville Terrace Apartments on Tunnel Road, where he teaches a one-hour tai chi class. […]
Michael Davis teaches a tai chi class for the residents of Asheville Terrace Apartments every Thursday — and he does it for free. Though he has taught tai chi for 32 years, he’s never taught a class quite like this one.
A special day of activities at Asheville Middle School celebrates the start of the year of the dragon.
(Photos by Bill Rhodes)