UNC Asheville hosts U.S. premiere of internatio­nal costume design exhibit

There’s a little bit of everything in Costume at the Turn of the Century, the largest display of costumes and costume design from the turn of this century. The original exhibit was curated by Roussanoff and displayed in Moscow last year. The version on view at UNCA through Wednesday, Sept. 28 — the exhibition’s U.S. debut — includes many of the same designs and highly insured costumes from more than 300 designers representing 31 countries.

Farm & Garden: Growing ginseng and celebratin­g spring with UNCA’s Greenfest

Learn to grow ginseng and goldenseal The Southern Appalachian School for Growing Medicinal Plants will host a ginseng and goldenseal workshop at Eagle Feather Organic Farm in Marshall on Sunday, April 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. The workshop will be facilitated by Robert Eidus, who operates Eagle Feather and owns the North Carolina Ginseng […]

Green Side Up Foundation holds fundraiser­s Jan. 30 – Feb. 4 to support child cancer patients

As we roll into 2016, it’s easy to neglect the resolutions for the new year many of us made a month ago. But for children and their families battling cancer and dealing with the side effects of treatment, giving up or forgetting isn’t an option. To assist these children and their families in their time […]