“He submitted a bill that would have pre-emptively banned future U.S. Postal Service innovations in its products and services, such as affordable, basic banking (low-cost check cashing, small-dollar loans, savings accounts, money transfers).”

“He submitted a bill that would have pre-emptively banned future U.S. Postal Service innovations in its products and services, such as affordable, basic banking (low-cost check cashing, small-dollar loans, savings accounts, money transfers).”
The U.S. Postal Service will close its Asheville mail processing facility and move its operations to a site in Greenville, S.C., reports WLOS ABC 13.
The comic that was published in the last edition was unfortunately very misinformed [”Molton,” Dec. 14 Xpress]. It indicated that the Postal Service was an outdated institution and losing money hand over fist. That is wrong on both points. First, people are still sending and receiving mail. That, until we can email sweaters and iPods, […]
Less is more, cheaper goods, lower pay and more money to business — that has been the goal of our hedonistic corporate government for decades now [“Identity Theft,” Nov. 30 Xpress]. American flags are made in China. "As American as apple pie" is probably now made from products from anywhere but America. Opinions are squashed […]
According to the Constitution, Congress has the power "to establish post offices and post roads." It is clear from the context that post offices were not considered a business any more than roads were. Nor were they expected to make money. They were and are a service to our society, in the same way that […]
Reporter Jake Frankel and photographer Bill Rhodes discuss a recent public hearing about the proposed closure of a mail-processing facility in Asheville.
The U.S. Postal Service held a combative Nov. 21 public hearing on a proposal to close its the Brevard Road mail-processing center in order to cut costs. Here’s some snapshots of some of the people who spoke at the hearing, in photos and in their own words.
About 30 people gathered outside the downtown Asheville Post Office Sept. 27 to rally against possible cuts to the U.S. Postal Service and the local facility. Photo by Jonathan Welch