By Bill Branyon | “He never — and I do mean never ever — complained of his plight. His joie de vivre remained intense, and our talks about sports, literature and politics passionate.”

By Bill Branyon | “He never — and I do mean never ever — complained of his plight. His joie de vivre remained intense, and our talks about sports, literature and politics passionate.”
“I can only hope that those who are leading MAIN today remember the purpose it was founded for.”
I was a producer at URTV for a year, for the show A Question of Meaning. I greatly valued the opportunity to broadcast ideas to the Asheville area. It fast became clear that URTV was in trouble, and that a lot of the trouble had to do with the director. I haven’t said anything publicly […]
“This is a day we have dreamed of since 2003 when MAIN launched its low-power FM station for Asheville and Buncombe County,” declared Wally Bowen, executive director of MAIN FM (WPVM), after the passage by Congress this weekend of the Local Community Radio Act, which gives FCC the ability to allow low-power stations such as MAIN’s to broadcast at 100 watts, instead of at its current 2 watt level.
The Mountain Area Information Network has hired a new manager who will help integrate the Asheville-based nonprofit Internet service provider’s Web site with MAIN’s low-power FM radio station, WPVM.
The interim station manager at Asheville’s low-power FM community-radio station has resigned, likening herself to a Band-Aid stuck on a mortal wound requiring immediate surgery. Kim Clark issued her statement March 2, two weeks after her hiring as WPVM’s interim manager was announced by Wally Bowen, the executive director of the Mountain Area Information Network. […]
The future of the Mountain Area Information Network, Asheville’s nonprofit Internet service provider, lies in providing mobile broadband and developing a full-fledged news operation. That’s the vision put forth by Executive Director Wally Bowen in a presentation titled “MAIN 2.0.” MAIN hopes to capture $1.8 million from the $787 billion stimulus package that President Barack […]
The interim station manager at Asheville’s low-power FM community radio station has resigned, likening herself to a Band-Aid stuck on a mortal wound requiring immediate surgery.
A new interim station manager started last week at Asheville’s low-power FM community-radio station, but the news did little to quell ongoing tensions that have roiled the station since last fall. For months, station volunteers have lobbied to have Wally Bowen, executive director of the Mountain Area Information Network, removed from direct control of the […]
Volunteers at Asheville’s low-power community radio station on Tuesday presented a plan for a new management structure to the board that oversees WPVM in the hope of quelling months of turmoil.
The board of the Mountain Area Information Network issued a public apology to a WPVM radio-station volunteer and to MAIN’s executive director on Tuesday and announced a new governance structure for the station.
The Mountain Area Information Network’s board of directors plans to meet this afternoon to talk about the controversy regarding the recent dismissal of a volunteer at MAIN’s low-power radio station WPVM (103.5 FM).
The removal of an on-air personality at Asheville radio station WPVM and the subsequent resignation of the station’s manager has roiled some station volunteers and has the executive director of WPVM’s parent organization defending his move.