Covered in fake blood and smiles, Ashevillians set out on the French Broad River to break a record.

Covered in fake blood and smiles, Ashevillians set out on the French Broad River to break a record.
Last September, 548 Ashevilleans joined together on the French Broad for the Tube-ocalypse Zombie Float, attempting to break the world record for most people floating in a line. Though last year’s participation fell 87 short of the goal, this year, organizers hope to breathe new life into the undead dream.
Hundreds of humans and zombies alike joined together on the French Broad River Sept. 20 to try to break the world record for most linked tubers on the water.
Over the next year, a seven acre patch of land along the French Broad River in Asheville will be transformed into a major new entertainment, recreation, food and beer hub.