Asheville’­s Haiti connection­: Mission MANNA returns from the mountains (Day 5)

The medical team has returned from its two-day trek, reports Todd Kaderabek, Mission MANNA’s point person in Asheville.  “The Asheville team is off mountain and back in Montrouis,” says Todd. “Looks like it was rough. They happened upon a rollover injury.” Thursday evening, Oct. 22: Dr. Derek Dephouse reports, “Many malnourished kids. It was Haiti […]

Book Report: Kibou, The Travis Waters Story of Hope

In the winter of 1998, Travis Waters and his family were confronted with a shocking reality: The pain in Travis’ right tibia wasn’t caused by physical exertion, but by a rare form of bone cancer. It’s here that Ellie Waters, Travis’ mother and faithful ally, begins her book, which chronicles Travis’ inspirational and heartbreaking story of hope against odds, and offers particular lessons for anyone who has suffered from grief or loss.