Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, step right up! It’s almost time once again to cast your lots for the Best of Western North Carolina.
Who will be this year’s local marvels? Now is the time for you to decide. Voting begins Friday, July 29.
Amazing! Dozens of new categories for food, drinks and arts and entertainment.
Thrills! Best of WNC publishes in two issues again this year.
Exciting! Improved balloting system, easier to use than a hurdy gurdy.
What wonders! You can almost hear the calliope whistles and gasps of awe.
There’s only one way to participate in this year’s poll: Vote!
Stay tuned for more announcements and directions on how to cast your vote.
Until then, have a look at least year’s knockout winners.
If it’s the time to vote, why do we have to wait till Friday?
I’m sensing a circus theme.