Orbit DVD celebrates its birthday with free “Everything is Terrible” show, Feb. 27

Photo courtesy of Everything is Terrible!

There are really strange things on YouTube. You try find Kanye’s latest rant and before you know it, you’ve lost half a day down the rabbit hole of fashion shows, cartoon horses, Kid ‘N Play videos and “Alf” reruns. In a way, that’s the premise for Everything is Terrible!, “the internet sensation video collective responsible for some of this millennium’s most intriguing and mind melting videos.” Only the masterminds behind that project dig way deeper and come up with much weirder material.

The found video project was started by a group of friends from Ohio University. In a 2010 interview, member Future Shock explained, “We collect all our raw materials from the flea markets and thrift stores of North America. There is not one particular place that is the ‘best’ but generally the farther off the beaten path, the better the pickings.”

Now, according to a press release, “The video-remixing Gods at Everything Is Terrible! are back with a new movie and show! This time they’ve really outdone themselves and have made their already insane live show fully interactive by adding a Choose Your Own Destiny element. …The Legends show is a culmination of the first seven years of work from the video alchemists at EIT! These mindfreaks have taken thousands of forgotten VHS tapes, chewed them up, and spit them back to their young via daily website postings, six movies, and world tours.”

Everything is Terrible! returns to The Mothlight on Friday, Feb. 27, at 8 p.m. The free show doubles as a birthday party for Marc McCloud, owner of Orbit DVD.


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About Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall has lived in Asheville for more than 20 years and loves live music, visual art, fiction and friendly dogs. She is the winner of the 2016 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and the author of the novel "How to Talk to Rockstars," published by Logosophia Books. Follow me @alli_marshall

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2 thoughts on “Orbit DVD celebrates its birthday with free “Everything is Terrible” show, Feb. 27

  1. Thanks for the write up! Just a small change it’s actually my birthday (Marc) and not the store’s. These guys change lives, so don’t miss it.

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