I would like to thank you for your complete coverage of the candidates running for City Council. With so many candidates, it is important to know what [they] stand for so we, the electorate, will be able to make a good choice. I found the comparison page asking the candidates for a yes or no or unsure vote gave us a good idea where they stood [“City of Asheville Voter Guide 2015,” Sept. 30]. These were the 10 most asked questions about the future of Asheville … You also covered the candidates with more information for those who wanted to look closer at the issues.
We see our city growing almost out of control and changing … to look and feel like many others. Most residents like the city the way it is and respect slow and thoughtful progress for the future, but lately, it feels like it is big money pulling the strings. If good-paying jobs came with it, maybe it would be easier to understand, but hotels bring mostly service jobs, which are among the lowest on the pay scale.
Voters need to take a good look at the candidates who [want] your votes. Are they the kind of people who will keep their promise to rule this city they way you would like it to? You have two that have spent most of their entire lives here and understand the people of this area. You have many that are more recent citizens and might think building a hotel on every corner in town is what we want. Well, it isn’t, so keep us informed, Mountain Xpress, as you have been. We hardly get a mention on the local TV and radio stations that it is voting day and the times the polls are open.
When they say the number of people voting is down, maybe we all need to get out the word. The best way to do it is for local news programs, local talk shows and local newspapers to make more of an effort to emphasize the need to go to polls.
— Pat Wille
Most of the real working people are too busy, and with this bunch of lieberal progressives, they will never know the difference
as non are really qualified to LEAD. None. Don’t bother to vote in this election and show your discontent for the lack of
diversity and choice!
Please, OneWhoKnows, stay home. Show your discontent! You’re not being a martyr, you’re being a patriot!
Whether one stays home or not, the direction of the city is only going to continue into crony tourism, crony breweries, and crony non-profits with a big heaping dose of gentrification.
LOL only look at who spent the most money to get their message across. Is their message that bad that they need to make up for it with excessive spending lulz? Especially with the paltry turnout and apathy that is apparent? You’ve won but the city is crumbling from your stranglehold on regulations and neglect coupled with the fact that you are expecting those who can least afford it to subsidize it all LOL. How can a city who brags about all the money being made by so few think it’s inclusive when in reality, only very few here benefit lulz?