Libertarians, Greens, Independents Discuss America at the Crossroads


Representatives of the Libertarian and Green parties, and non- partisan grassroots activities will take part in a panel discussion on the relevance of third parties in America Sept. 22. The event will start at 7 p.m. in The Weinhaus, 86 Patton Ave, Asheville.

The topic will be “America at the Crossroads: What does the future hold for our political parties?” Panelists will include Cecil Bothwell, Asheville city councilman and former Democrat, Carl Mumpower, former city councilman and Republican, William Meredith, Libertarian candidate for state Senate District 49, and Tony Ngege, N.C. Green Party volunteer coordinator.

“The Libertarian Party is actively working for the rights of all voters to have representation in government via improved fairness in elections,” said Nate Philips, Buncombe county chair.

“Of particular importance are the silenced voices of citizens with values for peaceful, diplomatic and non-coercive means toward political ends,” he said. “Both the Libertarian and Green parties share these values, as demonstrated in their platforms and in the platforms of their presidential candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.”

He said that both Libertarians and Greens demand an end to the racist death culture created by the two major parties in the form of the war on terror, the war on drugs, and the death penalty.

“It’s well past time for needed reform, but not too late to start,” Phillips said.



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