Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce host 2020 census breakfast

Press release from Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce: 

The 2020 census is coming and the Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce is hosting a breakfast, September 19, 7:00 am at Givens Highland Farms in Black Mountain,  to inform Chamber and non-Chamber partners what to expect during the process.

“The Census is crucial to federal funding being returned to our community”, states Sharon Tabor, Executive Director, Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce. “The accurate and complete counting of our residents directly impact federal money invested in school meal programs, road projects, community block grants, fire and police equipment, and a host of other projects”, she says.  “Each person is equivalent to $1623 per year over the next decade.  Multiply that by the number of people counted, or not counted, and the results are staggering.”

US Census Partnership Specialist Debbie Reese and Recruiting Assistant Ed Horton will share their efforts in Black Mountain and Swannanoa to recruit area residents to work for, and respond to, the Census Bureau.  They will answer such questions as “Why should I be counted?” “Why should I care?” “What happens when someone is not counted?” “Is my information confidential?”

Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber partners can reserve their complimentary breakfast by calling 828-669-2300 before 5:00 pm, September 11, 2019.  Non-Chamber partners can reserve their $12.50 meal at or by calling 828-699-2300 with a credit card.

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