APD seeks suspect in armed Wells Fargo robbery

Wells Fargo robber

Press release from the Asheville Police Department:

A man armed with a gun entered the Wells Fargo Bank (800 Merrimon Avenue), threatened employees and customers, and took an undisclosed amount of money before fleeing on foot. Witnesses told officers that they saw him get into a silver or grey Cadillac SUV. This happened at 4:46 p.m. on May 20.

He is described as an African-American with a thin build and 5’11”-6’0″. He was wearing light grey pants, a black long-sleeve shirt, a blue and red baseball cap with a mountain and sun pattern on the front, sunglasses, and a blue mask.

Detectives need your help to identify this man. If you would like to anonymously share information you can text TIP2APD to 847411, or use the TIP2APD smartphone app. You can also share information by calling 828-252-1110.

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