Forty years ago, I had a vision of Asheville, the Hippie Girl, looking in the window of Neiman Marcus deciding whether she would look good in Chanel. She thought long and hard and figured how she could be true to herself.
So she went in, bought a Chanel jacket, and today wears it with Levi jeans and Birkenstocks.
Why can’t we have both? Sensible development with a conscience? Keeping the character of Asheville and trees, OMG, the trees to save the environment and for heat-index control. Affordable housing for all?
City Council, I call you out for allowing development under the “conditional” ordinance vote to offset the comprehensive plan already set. We have plans in place with public support for conscientious development.
So you and developers need to follow the plans.
It really is that simple.
Charlotte Street is an example of problematic negotiations, and the developers need to be held accountable for reasonable and environmental design based on plans in place.
City Council, do your job. Remember: Hippie Girl , child of the ’60s activism, stands up for what she believes and most of all? Votes!
— Susan Hickerson
“City Council, do your job. Remember: Hippie Girl , child of the ’60s activism, stands up for what she believes and most of all? Votes!”
If hippie girl lives in Weaverville then she can’t vote in Asheville City Council elections.