“The opportunities an urban forest affords are in fact far more than the limited scope other development opportunities may have.”

“The opportunities an urban forest affords are in fact far more than the limited scope other development opportunities may have.”
“The Council twists all of its strategic plans in knots to justify an outcome that leads to more houses.”
“As feared, the Asheville City Council has approved the Meadows at New Haw Creek development, despite vociferous opposition from Happy Valley residents.”
“In its entirety, the piece amounted to one long rationalization for resistance to change, peppered with throwaway aspersions cast on anyone with the blinkered cupidity to think that it’s morally acceptable to make money from building homes.”
“Like many people living in harmonious communities that are under constant assault, I don’t object to more neighbors per se — as long as the proper roads, sidewalks, tree buffers and infrastructure are in place before the first tree is cut, the first scoop of dirt moved, and as long as horrific decisions aren’t rushed and/or driven by panic or greed.”
“For three years, residents of Richmond Hill and Woodfin have been raising concerns about the Bluffs megadevelopment that proposes hundreds of luxury condos be jammed between Asheville’s largest wooded park and the French Broad River.”
“Haw Creek wants Kevin Jackson to sit down, seriously negotiate the issues and reach a mutually agreeable compromise that will provide desperately needed housing while respecting the needs of the community.”
“Over 2,000 residents and community members have expressed extreme concern for its lack of consideration for connectivity, the natural environment, affordability and infrastructure impact.”
“If The Meadows is built, a few people who have been lucky enough to look out at woods on others’ property will instead see yards and houses, like most of the rest of us, and there will be a bit more traffic.
“We hope the Council will be committed to balancing new development with improvements to maintain and enhance the Haw Creek community.”
“This property is within the city limits. Building homes there would decrease sprawl into more environmentally sensitive areas of Buncombe County.”
“Personally, I will miss seeing an open field but understand that infill happens — just make it palatable to those of us who live here.”
Two projects requiring special use permits and one zoning variance are on the agenda at the Buncombe County Board of Adjustment meeting at noon Wednesday, Feb. 14. The in-person meeting will be at the Board of Commissioners Chambers, 200 College St.
“It’s going to take a historic effort to close the gaps in housing supply that are close to the places where people work, shop and entertain themselves and where there may also be options for walking, biking or taking mass transit.”
“It’s the greedy, unrestrained development that is ruining Asheville and the surrounding communities.”
“Instead of decreasing the population of bears by killing them, why don’t we try limiting our production of food waste?”
Andy Baker has spent the last 17 years building a home for himself, his family and many others through his development projects in Western North Carolina. Originally from Michigan, Baker graduated from Purdue University with a degree in forestry before pursuing a career in real estate development. Earlier this year, the Southeast Regional Land Conservancy […]
LaKyla Hodges is the equity and education manager of Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy.
“This building boom is on steroids, and it’s turning what was a quaint little town and quiet rural countryside into constant traffic congestion.”
Community members weigh in on the impact of visitors and “progress” throughout 2022.
“After World War II, we have built our cities as subdivisions, shopping centers, office parks and similar, all separated from one another, requiring motor vehicles to perform simple daily tasks. It’s not working.”