Letter: Crosswalks need new paint for safety

Graphic by Lori Deaton

City of Asheville, please give our pedestrian crosswalks a new paint job. Some crosswalks you can barely see — for instance, the one in front of the Burton Street Community Center. Kids, young and old, use that a couple of times a day, coming and going from their bus. So it may need a face-lift!

Keep our pedestrians, young and old, safe.

Thank you,

— Angie Sheets


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5 thoughts on “Letter: Crosswalks need new paint for safety

  1. indy499

    Why wouldn’t you expend that effort with a call to the responsive Public Works group? I mean if you actually want paint and don’t just wish to whine

    • Mike Rains

      Indy, while I generally agree with your views/comments…..not this one.

      Even though the writer mentions one specific example, me thinks she is identifying a larger issue: There does not appear to be enough funds to keep public safety markings updated and visible on our streets. That is not something the Asheville App can solve.

      And the reader is correct. Crosswalk markings, important centerline markings, speed bump markings, etc. all over the city are not maintained on any regular schedule. I know this from personal observation and experience and have myself submitted numerous Asheville App requests for specific improvements. In most cases those requests were promptly fulfilled; however, the point is why does a major city have to rely on citizens to ask for safety markings to be maintained?

      The answer of course is priorities.

      • indy499

        Ok, but I’m pretty sure writing to Mountain Xpress will not get anything painted.

        The city is too busy writing proclamations and other nonsense rather than doing their jobs.

  2. gapple

    So DOT approved road markings are okay and there is no need to add any progressive left wing messaging such as rainbows or palestinian terrorist flag markings.

  3. Bright

    The city doesn’t give a d*@# for anyone’s safety. That’s an observable fact…how about all the potholes on the roads? Obviously, too, who pays for the toilet paper in the “public” outhouses downtown. I’ve heard that you have to use tree leaves, if you can find them. Re above comment…we whine because that’s what’s available to us working people. FYI, its called “public outcry.”

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