I’m having problems digesting the news from the other day on not enough room for the homeless children here and asking/begging for foster parents.
So a few months ago, the city approved a downtown public loo that will cost more than $400,000. They have their priorities totally wrong. Our children are our/their first priority and not a public loo, which will probably not be used by the tourists but by the homeless folks who hang out in the area.
This is not the only problem with the City Council. The city should be doing preventive maintenance on their buildings to help with costly repairs. “Spend a little, save a lot” goes a long way. Not sure about this one, but I think they spend more on advertising about the area than actually doing something to help and maintain the area. Their priorities need to be looked at and need adjusting.
If you ruin our children’s lives now, then they are ruined for life and probably will be nonproductive when they get older, plus be a burden on our society.
Time for the Council to change its priorities and start to act smarter and actually help the city the smart way.
— Leonard Nickerson
What he said. Be more fiscally responsible. Fire them all except Roney.