City of Hendersonville host affordable housing summit May 16

News release from the City of Hendersonville:
The City of Hendersonville’s Strategic Housing Plan Steering Committee invites the community to attend and participate in the 2024 Affordable Housing Summit.
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, a free event will be held from 5:30 PM to 7:45 PM at the Hendersonville High School auditorium located at 1 Bearcat Blvd. The evening will feature acclaimed housing policy expert and author, Shane Phillips. The summit is open to non-profit service providers, members of the business community, government leaders, affordable housing advocates, community members, and anyone committed to expanding and improving housing in Henderson County and across the WNC region.
This program is FREE and open to all. Current residents and those seeking residency in Hendersonville and Henderson County are encouraged to attend.
Featured speaker Shane Phillips is a researcher, public speaker, and consultant on housing policy and affordability. He manages the Housing Initiative within the UCLA Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, focusing on research, policy analysis, and education, and he co-hosts the UCLA Housing Voice Podcast, a biweekly interview show that translates emerging research for a non-academic audience. He’s the author of The Affordable City, published in 2020, which advocates for a three-pronged approach to solving the housing crisis — Supply, Stability, and Subsidies — and offers more than 50 recommendations for advancing those priorities. Outside of his role at UCLA, Shane has presented to audiences across the U.S. and abroad, written for major publications including the Los Angeles Times and Atlantic, taught at the University of Southern California, and worked with local governments and organizations to identify context-specific solutions to their housing challenges. Originally hailing from Seattle, he earned his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Washington and masters degrees in public administration and urban planning from USC.
Visit for updates on the summit as well as information on the City of Hendersonville’s strategic housing plan development process.
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