AFD Safety and Training Officer Jeff Lyon’s death ruled line-of-duty death

Jeff Lyons. Photo courtesy of Asheville Fire Department

Press release from Asheville Fire Department:

The North Carolina Industrial Commission has ruled Safety and Training Officer Jeff Lyon’s death from cancer as a line-of-duty death. This ruling validates the growing crisis of the increase in cancer among firefighters which is now the leading cause of death. This ruling is a huge step for the fire service and also beneficial for Jeff’s family.

STO Lyons became a member of the Asheville Fire Department on September 30th, 1996 and took great pride in being an Asheville Firefighter responsible for looking out for the safety of all Asheville firefighters. STO Lyons continuously worked full-time until 2022, when he was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer that would eventually claim his life. STO Lyons remained a certified member of the AFD until his death on November 16, 2022, at the age of 61.

Chief Cayse shares, “This significant decision honors Jeff’s dedication and acknowledges the tremendous risks firefighters face every day. His unwavering commitment is a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of all who serve in our ranks.”

In his memory, AFD will request that the NC Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation honor Jeff at the State Memorial in Raleigh and the National Memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

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